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Executive Functioning Disorder

Executive Functions refer to the cognitive and mental abilities that help people to accomplish tasks that require planning, critical thinking, organizational, memory and time management skills. At CEMEDIPP-Dubai, after being diagnosed by the psychologist, the child  presenting Executive Functioning Disorder undergo therapies in different disciplines (speech and language therapy, psychology and psychomotor therapy).


Impulse control: Ability to stop and think before acting. Children are likely to rush through homework without checking it. They also may have trouble following rules consistently.

Emotional control: Ability to manage feelings by focusing on the end result or goal. Children who struggle with emotional control often have trouble accepting negative feedback. They may struggle to finish a task when something upsets them.

Flexibility: Ability to roll with the punches and come up with new approaches when a plan fails.

Working memory: Ability for the brain to hold information when it is needed in the short term. Children may have a hard time remembering directions, taking notes or understanding something that have been just explained to them.

Self-monitoring: Ability to observe and regulate one’s own behavior. Children who have trouble with self-monitoring don’t know how to evaluate their performance when they finish a work at school.

Planning and prioritizing: Ability to create a mental plan to complete a task and make a decision according to the relative importance of a series of tasks.

Task initiation: Ability to get started on something. Children who struggle with this skill often have issues with planning and prioritizing too.

Organization: Ability to keep track of information and things. Children with organizational difficulties are constantly losing or misplacing things.


Having Executive Functioning Disorder does not prevent success in life… Medicine and Technology, Arts, Business and Everything!