Stuttering is a verbal fluency disorder characterized by repetitions of words, syllables and sounds (phonemes), sounds prolongations, stops and blockings that give the impression of an effort. Effort behavior can also be shown by respiratory tension, involuntary movements of the face or body, etc. Stuttering can go unnoticed: in that case, people with stuttering manage to hide their difficulties by using different strategies.
At CEMEDIPP, our speech and language therapist states that stuttering is not about articulation or speech, but about COMMUNICATION. One does not often stutter when he speaks alone, to an animal or to a very young child or when he sings or role play.
Associated Behaviors:
- fear of confronting situations in which stuttering may occur
- excessive sweating and redness
- guilt, anger and frustration
- reserved and shy person
- Say: « Calm down, breathe, prepare your sentence, take your time, speak less quickly, articulate, hurry up »
- Pay attention to speech accidents or act as if they did not exist, don't unflinchingly wait for the child to finish
- Reproach or put pressure on your child to express himself properly.
- Stress, anxiety, lack of self-confidence ... that's stuttering!
- When you talk about stuttering, you just talk about psychological trauma!
- Overcoming stuttering is just about breathing, taking your time and articulating well
Having stuttering does not prevent success in life…
Bruce Willis, Marylin Monroe, George VI